• Have any questions?
  • 9567226315 or 7034230835
  • chembilodehsscom@gmail.com

Free Education

we have been giving books, uniforms, transportation facilities for all the students in our school.Our teachers, management, PTA committee, all are equaly working for the development of our school.


SMART Classrooms

We at Chembilode School believe in providing the best in learning to our students. Thus, we provide our students with the latest technology in acquiring knowledge through Smart class.


School Loibrary

Discipline aids in the creation of a trustworthy workplace in which everyone is treated equally. To create a secure learning environment as well as a workplace, a disciplined environment is required.


Computer Lab

The Computer lab has modern PCs connected to high speed Internet, supervised by a well trained teacher. Lab consultants are also available to provide support and answer queries related to any issues. Apart from doing regular class work, children may also access the lab for their project work.we also promotes the early acquisition of fundamental computing skills.



The labs have got all necessary equipment which enables both the secondary and senior secondary students to do all the necessary practical.Practical work is the most important factor in the study of science. Chembilode HSS provides huge, separate and very well-equipped laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology.


Transportation Facilities

Chembilode HSS consists of a well maintained, comprehensive transport system. The school buses handled by efficient drivers and support staff. The waiting time for the school bus at each stop is not more than 2 minutes.Communication through drivers or attendants should be avoided.We provide door to door pick up bus service.


Sports Complex

The expensive sports ground in front of the school building gives enough space for the students during physical education hours and also is best suitable to practice and hold different games.Our Physical Education staffs are highly committed to fitness and wellness, they encourage students to participate in sports activities.


Student Police

Apart from Scout, Guides, Redcross, this year we started Student Police.The mission of the Student Police project is to train high school students to be responsible and socially committed individuals.


Special Coaching Class

We provide coaching clasess for personality development, spoken english, basic mathematics and etc.We are giving Star dignity for the studious students and we help them to achieve goals and aspirations.


NSS Volunteers

It provides opportunity to the student youth of 11th & 12th Class of schools at +2 Board level and student youth of Technical Institution, Graduate & Post Graduate at colleges and University level of India to take part in various government led community service activities & programmes.


Redcross Volunteers

A substantial portion of the membership of Indian Red Cross Society is made up of young people. Young volunteers can make a significant contribution to meeting the needs of the most vulnerable people within their local communities through Red Cross youth programme.


Scout & Guides Volunteers

The Mission of Scouting and Guiding is to contribute to the education of young people, through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law, to help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society.